Award Winners
ISPID and its predecessors ESPID and SIDS International have been honouring outstanding scientists and health professionals with awards for a long time. This is a list of award winners so far.
Distinguished Researcher Awards have been extended to the following persons:
- Robert Darnall and Carrie K. Shapiro-Mendoza from the US and Peter S. Blair from the UK in the year 2023
- Fern Hauck, Carl Hunt and Rachel Moon from the US and Rita Machaalani from Australia in the year 2021
- Rosemary Horne from Australia and Torleiv Rognum from Norway in the year 2018
- Roger Byard from Australia, Hannah Kinney from the USA and and John Thompson from New Zealand in the year 2016
- Caroline Blackwell from Australia, Peter Fleming from UK and Ed Mitchell from New Zealand in the year 2014
- Henry Krous and Brad Thatch, both from the USA, in the year 2012
- André Kahn from Belgium in the year 2010
- Susan Beal from Australia in the year 2007
- Shirley Tonkin from Auckland, New Zealand, in the year 2003
- Johannes Huber from Utrecht, Netherlands, in the year 2001
- Robert Carpenter from London, UK, in the year 1999
- John Emery from Sheffield, UK, in the year 1998
New Investigator Awards have been extended to the following persons:
- Kala Frye Bourque, Savannah Lusk and Monica Wojik from the US and Vanessa Despotovski and Lauren Luijerink from Australia in the year 2023
- Stephanie Yiallourou from the Ritchie Centre, Monash Institute Of Medical Research, Monash University, Australia, for her presentation at the ISA/ISPID Joint Conference in Sydney, Australia, on 8-10 October 2010:
Does sleeping position effect baroreflex sensitivity in infants? Implications for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. - Cliona McGarvey from Dublin, Ireland, for her presentation at the X. ESPID Conference in Oslo, Norway, on 27-31 May 2003:
McGarvey C, McDonnell M, O'Regan M, Chong A, Matthews TG. A case controlled study of SIDS in the Republic of Ireland: factors relating to the infant's sleeping environment. - Sertac Arslanoglu form Izmir, Turkey, for her presentation at the IX. ESPID Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, on 2-6 October 2001:
Arslanoglu S, Yalaz M, Akisu M, Kultursay N. Evaluation of the trends in NICU mortality rates in a regional reference center throughout 34 years (1967-2000) with the decreasing mortality rates of VLBW infants. - Gunter Hayler from Berlin, Germany, for his presentation at the VIII. ESPID Conference in Jerusalem, Israel, on 30 May - 4 June 1999:
Hayler G, Stoltenburg-Didinger G, Landeghem F van, Bajanowski T. Histopathology of thalamic and hypothalamic centers of arousal in Sudden Infant Death (SID) victims.
Health Educator Awards have been extended to the following persons:
- Barbara A. Himes and Christy Schunn from the US and Jenny Ward from the UK in the year 2023
- Anat Shatz from Israel and Betty McEntire from the US in the year 2018
- Francine Bates and Alison Waite from the UK in the year 2016
- Stephanie Cowan and Judy Bannon in the year 2014
- Joyce Epstein from the UK in the year 2012
- Jeanine Young from Australia in the year 2010
Kaarene Fitzgerald Awards have been extended to the following persons:
- Ineko Kato, Nagoya City University, Japan, in 2006
- Marianne Arnestad, Institute of Forensic Medicine, Oslo, Norway, in 2004