ISPID is a premier international not-for-profit organization, dedicated for decades to research on infant survival and the support of bereaved families. We are tax-exempt under the 501(c)(3) United States IRS code.

It is our belief that the global burden of infant death can be successfully alleviated through evidenced-based research and education, to help ensure healthy outcomes of pregnancy and survival of babies through the first years of life.

Donations can be made by using an existing Paypal account or direct use of credit card through Paypal. We rely on your donations to carry out our mission and save tiny lives. Please press the Donate button below and make your personal donation to ISPID. Your support is highly appreciated!

ISPID is a premier international not-for-profit organization, dedicated for decades to research on infant survival and the support of bereaved families. We are tax-exempt under the 501(c)(3) United States IRS code.

It is our belief that the global burden of infant death can be successfully alleviated through evidenced-based research and education, to help ensure healthy outcomes of pregnancy and survival of babies through the first years of life.

Donations can be made by using an existing Paypal account or direct use of credit card through Paypal. We rely on your donations to carry out our mission and save tiny lives. Please press the Donate button below and make your personal donation to ISPID. Your support is highly appreciated!

You may want to use the contact form to send a comment about your donation.