Kaarene Fitzgerald New Investigator Travel Awards
2021 International Conference
Several Kaarene Fitzgerald travel awards will be made to assist full time students, recent graduates or new investigators to attend the International Conference on Stillbirth, SIDS and Infant Deaths in Brisbane, Australia (October 22-24, 2020). Each award will be USD $1500. The funds are not available to attend other conferences. Previous awardees are not eligible.
To apply, the Candidate:
- Must be a fulltime student, be within 3 years of the postgraduate qualification or can justify they qualify as a new investigator.
- Must be a member of ISPID (to join, please click here).
- Must have submitted an abstract for presentation at the Conference as first author (to submit an abstract, please click here).
Applications should be emailed to the ISPID secretary by August 12, 2021 and should include:
- A letter from the applicant requesting to be selected for this travel award
- A copy of the abstract that has been submitted
- A curriculum vitae
- A letter of recommendation from your department or laboratory director or senior colleague that indicates the contribution of the new investigator's work and direction in which this work is headed.
The award will only be granted on condition that your abstract has been accepted for presentation. Applicants will be notified of the outcome by middle of September 2021.
If you would like further information about any of the ISPID awards, please email the ISPID secretary.