About GAPS
Great strides have been made in research into sudden infant death: pioneering theories have been developed and interventions deployed that have saved the lives of countless infants, such as the era-defining Back to Sleep campaign of the early 1990s. Yet thousands of infants still die every year due to causes that remain elusive. Action needs to be taken to prioritise which research should be funded in the future.
The GAPS project is a global research collaboration led by ISPID, The Lullaby Trust (UK), SIDS and Kids (Australia) and the American SIDS Institute. Its aim is to identify which gaps in research, if filled, have the most potential to reduce further the number of sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID, also known as SUDI) around the world in the next 10 years.
GAPS is based on a well-established research process that taps into the knowledge and experience of researchers, clinicians, affiliated professionals and families affected by the sudden death of an infant.
Using survey methods, literature reviews and a series of international workshops, we are working to build consensus on the top research priorities. This will culminate in a paper which will inform where future funding in SUID research should be directed. Find out more about the GAPS process here.
GAPS Steering Group
Associate Prof Leanne Raven, Australia | Dr Peter Blair, UK |
Dr Betty L McEntire, USA | Dr Fern R Hauck, USA |
Francine Bates, UK | Lucy Lyus, UK |
Results of the GAPS project have been published here. Further information is available from Lullaby Trust's website, including the GAPS Project Report.